When NCrunch (version tries to build a Blazor project (version 3.0.0-preview9), it produces the following error:
packages\microsoft.aspnetcore.blazor.build\3.0.0-preview9.19465.2\targets\Blazor.MonoRuntime.targets (441, 5): The command "dotnet "C:\Users\Rodolfo.nuget\packages\microsoft.aspnetcore.blazor.mono\3.0.0-preview9.19462.2\build\netstandard1.0../../tools/illink/illink.dll" -l none --disable-opt unreachablebodies --verbose --strip-security true --exclude-feature com --exclude-feature sre -v false -c link -u link -b true -d (... lots of files here...) exited with code -532462766.
How can I get NCrunch to build Blazor projects?
Disclaimer: I'm writing this question after not finding a single answer online, including SO. I have already found the solution and intend to answer the question myself in order to - hopefully - help someone else.
UPDATE (2023-09-04): the Custom Build variables mentioned in the original post have changed.
Original post TL;DR
Full explanation ... in case the details change.
In line 441 of the .targets file mentioned in the error message you will find the Exec command that causes the error:
<Exec Command="dotnet "$(MonoLinkerPath)" $(_BlazorLinkerAdditionalOptions) @(_BlazorFolderLookupPaths, ' ') -o "$(BlazorIntermediateLinkerOutputPath)" @(_BlazorAssemblyDescriptorFiles, ' ') @(_BlazorAssembliesToLink, ' ')" />
This command is wrapped in the following target:
Condition="$(_BlazorShouldLinkApplicationAssemblies) != ''"
Which means the Exec will only be executed if the _BlazorShouldLinkApplicationAssemblies property is not empty. Searching the .targets file for where this internal property is set, you will find this PropertyGroup (line 152):
<PropertyGroup Label="Build properties">
<_BlazorShouldLinkApplicationAssemblies Condition="$(BlazorLinkOnBuild) == 'false'"></_BlazorShouldLinkApplicationAssemblies>
<_BlazorShouldLinkApplicationAssemblies Condition="$(BlazorLinkOnBuild) == 'true'">true</_BlazorShouldLinkApplicationAssemblies>
This is why setting the BlazorLinkOnBuild (as of 3.2.0-preview3, renamed to BlazorWebAssemblyEnableLinking) to false allows NCrunch to build the project.