I am using MongoDb
driver in which i have to update document based on certain condition.
Here is how my find
query looks like in c#
DbService.conversations.Find (new BsonDocument ("_id", new ObjectId ("obje-id-here"))).FirstOrDefault ();
How can i update specific field of document based on certain _id
using Mongodb .net
driver without using Builders
**Note : **
I have tried this update query
var updateResultFromQuery = await DbService.conversations.UpdateOneAsync(Builders<RawBsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("_id", "5e01a89e5f317324780b7f83"),Builders<RawBsonDocument>.Update.Set("visitorName", "Guest41815"));
Console.WriteLine("after update response --- "+updateResultFromQuery.ToJson());
But it's not updating the value even i am receiving update response like this
{ "_t" : "Acknowledged" }
I achieved updating my document without using any third party library using these options
var filter = new BsonDocument(new Dictionary<string, dynamic> () {
"_id", new BsonObjectId("object-id-here")
"assigned_to.email" , agentEmail
var updateDoc = new BsonDocument(new Dictionary<string, dynamic> () {
"$set", new BsonDocument("assigned_to.$.avgResponseTime", Convert.ToDouble(obj.agentChatAvgResponseTime))
var updateQueryResult = DbService.conversations.UpdateOne(filter, updateDoc, new UpdateOptions {IsUpsert = false });