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File as command line argument to spark action in Oozie workflow

How to pass a file as command line argument to spark job in Oozie workflow? My spark job is expecting a file as command line argument, but when I am pass that file in the workflow as /file/location it is not picking up that file.


  • I got one workaround, if we put the file in a custom-directory in ozzie shared library with a few additional change in

    • oozie.use.system.libpath=true
    • oozie.action.sharelib.for.spark=spark,custom-directory
    • oozie.libpath=true

    Then we need to update the shared lib using below command:

    oozie admin -auth SIMPLE -sharelibupdate

    After that we can directly pick up the file by just using the name of the file, which we placed in custom-directory, in the oozie workflow.