I wanted to compare two lists of vector elements and grab the equal elements of the lists and compose a 3rd list, I've already accomplished that.Now, I want to find out what are the index numbers of the elements grabbed from the 1st list. ex:
vectlist1 = [(0.25,0.65,0.33), (0.43,0.23,0.55), (0.56,0.8, 0.90), (0.34, 0.45, 0.67)]
... vectlist3 = [(0.43,0.23,0.55), (0.56,0.8, 0.90)]
vectlis1tindexnumbers = (1,2)
How do I do that plz? OBS: The elements are vectores, so in order for the vectors to be equal to another vector, all the three floats inside the two o them must be equal. I ommited the 2nd list in the example above, but it should have the same elements within it which were taken in order to compose the 3rd list.
Something like this should work:
vectlis1tindexnumbers = [vectlist1.index(vector) for vector in vectlist3]
>>> [1, 2]