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AGE between 2 dates in snowflake

AGE between 2 dates in snowflake

In Netezza we have function called as AGE but snowflake i couldn't find anything similar

Netezza: select AGE('2019-12-01', '2018-12-12') - o/p: 11 mons 20 days

Is there similar function in snowflake?


  • So given Netezza is based on PostgreSQL, so it's AGE function, is equivalent to Snowflake's DATEDIFF, but like PostgreSQL interval it defaults to expressing it in simplified terms of Years/Months/Days. Snowflake doesn't offer a function that does that. Also the order of the parameters is swapped.

    Thus your AGE('2019-12-01', '2018-12-12') would be DATEDIFF('days', '2018-12-12', '2019-12-01')

    I was going to suggest you could do the following to build up the parts, but I am quite sure this is a bug in snowflake:

    select '2018-12-12'::date AS st
    ,'2019-12-01'::date AS et
    --,DATEDIFF('month', st,et) AS t_m
    --,DATEDIFF('days', st,et) AS t_d
    ,DATEDIFF('year', st,et) AS y
    ,DATEADD('year', y, st) AS yst
    ,DATEDIFF('month', yst,et) AS m 
    ,DATEADD('month', m, yst) AS mst
    ,DATEDIFF('day', mst,et) AS d 

    AS y is 1 and t_m is 12 which I don't believe they should be as it's only 354 days..

    I will open a bug report. But if/when that's fixed then you can compare the y, m, & d together to get the string back if you needs want that.. otherwise I would stick to days myself..