I would like to parse HTML in the string format with html5ever and find all the links in this HTML. I'm aware of How do I parse a page with html5ever, modify the DOM, and serialize it?, however RcDom
does not exist anymore.
You have to create a struct which implements TokenSink
, then create a new Tokenizer
where your struct is the sink
. When parsing with Tokenizer::feed()
, it will pass all tokens through your TokenSink
This code was adapted from the html5ever examples, so it is Apache/MIT licensed. html5ever is a complicated library built for browsers, and it shows - the API appears to be designed to accommodate encodings other than UTF-8.
This code only parses from stdin. If you want to use it as is, pipe curl
like so curl https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59461279/how-do-i-parse-a-page-with-html5ever-and-find-all-the-links | cargo run
When I do this, I get output like
link to: #
link to: https://stackoverflow.com
link to: #
link to: /teams/customers
extern crate html5ever;
use std::default::Default;
use std::io;
use html5ever::tendril::*;
use html5ever::tokenizer::BufferQueue;
use html5ever::tokenizer::{StartTag, TagToken};
use html5ever::tokenizer::{Token, TokenSink, TokenSinkResult, Tokenizer, TokenizerOpts,};
use html5ever::interface::QualName;
use html5ever::{ns, namespace_url, LocalName};
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct TokenPrinter {}
impl TokenSink for TokenPrinter {
type Handle = ();
fn process_token(&mut self, token: Token, _line_number: u64) -> TokenSinkResult<()> {
let link_name = QualName::new(
match token {
TagToken(tag) => {
if tag.kind == StartTag && tag.name.to_string()=="a" {
let attrs = tag.attrs;
for attr in attrs {
if attr.name == link_name {
println!("link to: {}", attr.value);
_ => {
fn main() {
let sink = TokenPrinter {};
let mut chunk = ByteTendril::new();
io::stdin().read_to_tendril(&mut chunk).unwrap();
let mut input = BufferQueue::new();
let mut tok = Tokenizer::new(
let _ = tok.feed(&mut input);