I have a Link model and each link has an owner (represented by ownerId in DB, which is a foreign key of the User table).
Here is the Link model :
<?php namespace App\Http\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Link extends Model {
protected $table = "Link";
// ...
// Relationships
public function owner()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'ownerId', 'id');
When I use $data = Link::find($linkId)->toJson();
in my LinkController, owner is included but is null in the JSON data. I also tried $data = Link::with('owner')->find($linkId)->toJson();
and $data = Link::find($linkId)->load('owner')->toJson();
And when I use $data = Link::find($linkId)->owner->toJson();
, I get the user data. Is there something missing in my code?
Is there a way to load the owner in the link object and to get it via JSON without additional requests / steps ?
I finally found the issue. The primary key in my User table was not standard (it was a string key instead of int). I added the following lines in my User model :
public $incrementing = false;
public $keyType = 'string';
And now $data = Link::with('owner')->find($linkId);
is just working fine.