I am using ReactiveSwift in my project, and I'm wondering what is the equivalent for PublishSubject?
for example in RXSwift we can do:
let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
let pubSubj = PublishSubject<String>()
pubSubj.on(.next("(next 1")) //event emitted to no subscribers
pubSubj.subscribe({ //subscriber added, but no replay of "next 1"
print("line: \(#line),", "event: \($0)")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
pubSubj.on(.next("(next 2")) //event emitted and received by subscriber
pubSubj.onError(MyError.error1) //emits error and terminates sequence
pubSubj.on(.next("next 3")) //pubSubj cannot emit this event
/* prints:
line: 8, event: next((next 2)
line: 8, event: error(error1)
doesn't have a single type like Subject that can be both the input and output for a signal. Instead you can use Signal.pipe()
to create an input and its corresponding output signal:
import ReactiveSwift
enum MyError: Error { case error1 }
let (lifetime, token) = Lifetime.make()
let (signal, input) = Signal<String, MyError>.pipe()
input.send(value: "1")
.take(during: lifetime)
.observe {
print("line: \(#line),", "event: \($0)")
input.send(value: "2")
input.send(error: .error1)
input.send(value: "3")
/* prints:
line: 14, event: VALUE 2
line: 14, event: FAILED error1