I am making a script, that should create a schema for each customer. I’m fetching all metadata from a database that defines how each customer’s schema should look like, and then create it. Everything is well defined, the types, names of tables, etc. A customer has many tables (fx, address, customers, contact, item, etc), and each table has the same metadata.
My procedure now:
Right now my script runs in about a minute for each customer, which I think is too slow. It has something to do with me having a loop, and in that loop, I’m altering each table. I think that instead of me altering (which might be not so clever approach), I should do something like the following: Note that this is just a stupid but valid example:
for table in tables:
con.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tester.%s (%s, %s);", (table, "last_seen date", "valid_from timestamp"))
But it gives me this error (it seems like it reads the table name as a string in a string..):
psycopg2.errors.SyntaxError: syntax error at or near "'billing'"
LINE 1: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tester.'billing' ('last_seen da...
Consider creating tables with a serial
type (i.e., autonumber) ID field and then use alter table for all other fields by using a combination of sql.Identifier
for identifiers (schema names, table names, column names, function names, etc.) and regular format for data types which are not literals in SQL statement.
from psycopg2 import sql
query = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {shm}.{tbl} (ID serial)"""
cur.execute(sql.SQL(query).format(shm = sql.Identifier("tester"),
tbl = sql.Identifier("table")))
items = [("last_seen", "date"), ("valid_from", "timestamp")]
query = """ALTER TABLE {shm}.{tbl} ADD COLUMN {col} {typ}"""
for item in items:
final_query = query.format(shm="{shm}", tbl="{tbl}", col="{col}", typ=i[1])
cur.execute(sql.SQL(final_query).format(shm = sql.Identifier("tester"),
tbl = sql.Identifier("table"),
col = sql.Identifier(item[0]))
Alternatively, use str.join
with list comprehension for one CREATE TABLE
query = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {shm}.{tbl} (
"id" serial,
items = [("last_seen", "date"), ("valid_from", "timestamp")]
val = ",\n ".join(["{{}} {typ}".format(typ=i[1]) for i in items])
pre_query = query.format(shm="{shm}", tbl="{tbl}", vals=val)
final_query = sql.SQL(pre_query).format(*[sql.Identifier(i[0]) for i in items],
shm = sql.Identifier("tester"),
tbl = sql.Identifier("table"))
SQL (sent to database)
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "tester"."table" (
"id" serial,
"last_seen" date,
"valid_from" timestamp