I have these type families:
type family xs ++ ys where
'[] ++ ys = ys
(x : xs) ++ ys = x : (xs ++ ys)
type family Drop n xs where
Drop O xs = xs
Drop (S n) (_ : xs) = Drop n xs
type family Length xs where
Length '[] = O
Length (x : xs) = S (Length xs)
At some point, GHC wants a proof that
forall a. Drop (Length a) (a ++ c) ~ c
I've used to shove that into context of some constructor.
How do I prove this property universally?
Okay, so your type families are fine and your property is almost right.
What you want to prove is this:
proof :: Drop (Length a) (a ++ c) :~: c
Except you don't really know what a
and c
are. They are implicitly quantified. You want them to be explicit so we can do induction over them.
proof :: (a :: [ k ]) -> (c :: [ k ]) -> Drop (Length a) (a ++ c) :~: c
You'll realise this is not going to type check because Haskell doesn't have real dependent types, but there is a way around: singleton types. The idea is to create an indexed type so that each term corresponds to one term of a different type that is used as the type index. I know this sounds a bit confusing, but example should clarify it.
You can use the singletons
library or build them from scratch that's what I'll do here.
data family Sing (x :: k)
data SList xs where
SNil :: SList '[]
SCons :: Sing x -> SList xs -> SList (x ': xs)
Here Sing
is a data family so that I can generically refer to things that have singletons. SList
is the singleton version of the list type and as you can see the SNil
constructor corresponds to the type-level []
. Similarly, SCons
reflects :
Then (assuming you also have a definition of data Nat = O | S Nat
somewhere) the signature of the proof you are after is
proof :: SList a -> SList c -> Drop (Length a) (a ++ c) :~: c
Notice that I changed your ~
into a :~:
that's a type operator available in Data.Type.Equality
. It's only constructor is Refl
which you can only assert if its two operands are exactly the same.
Now we just need to prove it. Luckily, this is a super simple property to prove, you just need to do induction over SList a
In the base case SList a
is SNil
, so you are really trying to prove Drop (Length '[]) ('[] '++ c) :~: c
. Because you used type families, the type checker will immediately reduce this to c :~: c
. Since both operands are the same we can use the Refl
constructor to prove this case.
proof SNil _ = Refl
Now comes the inductive case. We'll pattern match again and this time learn that SList a
is of the form SCons a as
with a :: Sing x
and as :: Sing xs
. This means what we need to prove is Drop (Length (x ': xs)) ((x : xs) ++ c) :~: c
. Again your type families will immediately start doing computation and reduce this goal to Drop (Length xs) (xs ++ c) :~: c
because it doesn't really need to know what x
is to do the evaluation.
As it turns out, proof as c
(nb. I use as
instead of SCons a as
) has exactly the required type, so we use that to prove the property.
Here's the full proof.
proof :: SList a -> SList c -> Drop (Length a) (a ++ c) :~: c
proof SNil _ = Refl
proof (SCons a as) cs = proof as cs
For these to work, you'll need all of these language extensions:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}