I am tryign to generate a highchart linear guage chart. Based on the documentation I checked on I was able to create the following fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/7ch69o1p/
But I am not able to complete two things on it: Adding the Low,Medium,high on top And plotting the longer ticks on bottom.
What I am looking for an expected outcome is something like this:
Can you suggest the properties that I have to update
I think the updates are to be made here:
gridLineWidth: 1,
minorTickInterval: 8.33,
minorTickWidth: 1,
minorTickLength: 5,
minorGridLineWidth: 1,
I prepared a demo which shows how to render custom text via using the SVGRenderer feature inside the render event which is trigger after each window resize to keep them responsive. Notice that I have added the id to the band where the text should be rendered, later I did a loop on them. I also added logic to centre them.
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/d3nf2yo7/
events: {
render() {
let chart = this,
yAxis = chart.yAxis[0];
//check if text exist after resize
if (customText.length) {
customText.forEach(text => {
customText.length = 0;
//create a text for each plotBand with id
yAxis.plotLinesAndBands.forEach(pl => {
if (pl.id) {
let d = pl.svgElem.d,
textX = d.split(' '),
textY = d.split(' ')[2] - 5, //where 5 is a ppadding;
text = chart.renderer.text(pl.id, textX[1], textY).add();
//set medium and high on the middle
if (pl.id === "Medium" || pl.id === "High") {
text.translate((textX[6] - textX[1]) / 2 - text.getBBox().width / 2, 0)
// set last value
if (pl.id === "Significant") {
text.translate(-text.getBBox().width + (textX[6] - textX[1]), 0)
API: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/chart.events.render
API: https://api.highcharts.com/class-reference/Highcharts.SVGRenderer#text