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onActivityResult from Activity to Fragment

I have a problem regarding onActivityResult. First, I opened the Add New Message Fragment to select the image. When I select the image, it doesn't return the result to my current fragment. I put onActivityResult in both my MainActivity and AddMessageFragment but it doesn't call the result in my fragment. My MainActivity is used to set up the Navigation Controller. I use Matisse library for my image picker. Can someone please help me with me? Been stuck for the whole day with this issue.


public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);


public void openGallery()
    permission.addOnStorageListener(new Permission.OnStorageSuccess()
        public void OnStorageSuccess()
    permission.addOnCameraListener(new Permission.OnCameraSuccess()
        public void OnCameraSuccess()
                    .choose(MimeType.of(MimeType.JPEG, MimeType.PNG))
                    .captureStrategy(new CaptureStrategy(true, "com.gprop.users.fileprovider"))
                    .imageEngine(new Glide4Engine())

public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    if(requestCode == 99 && resultCode == Main.RESULT_OK)
            mSelected = Matisse.obtainPathResult(data);

            if(mSelected.size() > 0)

                Luban.compress(new File(mSelected.get(0)), getActivity().getFilesDir())
                        .subscribe(new Consumer<File>()
                            public void accept(File file) throws Exception
                                newfile = file;
                        }, new Consumer<Throwable>()
                            public void accept(Throwable throwable) throws Exception
                                Toast.makeText(getActivity(), throwable.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "No image selected", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


enter image description here


  • You are calling Matisse.from() on the Activity which you are getting from the getActivity() method, tit must be returning you your MainActivity and the onActivityResult will be called for the MainActivity where you are doing nothing and calling super.onActivityResult().

    Possible Solutions: .

    1. Shift your onActivityResult code logic from your AddMessageFragment to MainActivity
    2. Change you Matisse call from Matisse.from(getActivity()) to Matisse.from(this), because looking at the source code of Matisse it also supports Fragment context.

    Using the second solution you should get your onActivityResult callback in the fragment and you won't need to change/shift any other code logic.

    Hope this helps :)