So what I'm trying to do is a basic tabbed view using re-com's horizontal-tabs element. I added a v-box element and below that i want to have my tabs element and the body that corresponds to the tab. although on the :on-change i call reset! on the model of the horizontal-tabs and it doesn't seem to work.
(defn left-panel []
:size "auto"
:child (let [selected-tab-id (r/atom (:id (first left-panel-tabs-definition)))
change-tab #(reset! selected-tab-id %)]
:children [[re-com/horizontal-tabs
:model selected-tab-id
:tabs left-panel-tabs-definition
:on-change change-tab]
[(left-panel-tabs @selected-tab-id)]
(defn forms-view []
[:div "Forms View"])
(defn swagger-view []
[:div "Swagger View"])
(def left-panel-tabs
{::swagger #'swagger-view
::forms #'forms-view})
(def left-panel-tabs-definition
[{:id ::forms
:label "Forms"
:say-this "Forms View"}
{:id ::swagger
:label "Swagger"
:say-this "Swagger View"}])
If instead of
[(left-panel-tabs @selected-tab-id)]
i do something like
(do (log @selected-tab-id) [(left-panel-tabs @selected-tab-id)])
it'll always print the value that i've set my reagent atom at the beginning (in this case ::forms)
Thanks to u/Galrog over at reddit I realised that in order for this to work i need to create a Form-2 component (3 forms of creating a component
Changing my left-panel component to a Form-2 component re-renders both children on the atom's change
(defn left-panel []
(let [selected-tab-id (r/atom (:id (first left-panel-tabs-definition)))
change-tab #(reset! selected-tab-id %)]
(fn []
:size "auto"
:child [re-com/v-box
:children [[re-com/horizontal-tabs
:model selected-tab-id
:tabs left-panel-tabs-definition
:on-change change-tab]
[(left-panel-tabs u/selected-tab-id)]]]])))