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Python recognize digits in simple image with pytesseract

I'm trying to use pytesseract to recognize digital numbers from images as following:


i tried following code

text=pytesseract.image_to_string(img, lang='eng',
                config='--psm 13 --oem 3 -c tessedit_char_whitelist=0123456789')

it gives me


I tried oem=1 and it's still the same.

for your reference my version is as follows:


LooseVersion ('4.0.0-beta.1')

Any help would be appreciated, including alternative libraries.


  • this is a known issue - Blacklist and whitelist unsupported with LSTM (4.0)

    basically whitelist and blacklist does not work

    one comment states

    ghost commented on Jul 20, 2018

    Use --oem 0 or -oem 0 and it works

    i have no way to test this ATM but it is worth a try

    4.1 version should have this fixed