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OrientDB query works on Studio but not with PyOrient

This works on OrientDB Studio (eset is an embeddedSet):

UPDATE #37:0 SET eset = eset || ["foo", "bar"];

But not when I use PyOrient:

command = 'UPDATE #37:0 SET eset = eset || ["foo", "bar"];'

>>> pyorient.exceptions.PyOrientSQLParsingException: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.OCommandSQLParsingException - Error on parsing command: Invalid keyword ||.

Apparently it also happens with Java:

Is there any way I could rewrite that query to get rid of the || part? I can't make heads or tails of the documentation.


  • PyOrient still uses the legacy SQL executor, that does not support || operator. I'd suggest to use the following (not completely equivalent, but it should work)

    UPDATE #37:0 ADD eset = ["foo", "bar"];