I have a double problem creating a simple Shiny app. I know this topic was covered in several other questions, but having studied them, I havent found a question that would fully cover my problems.
I want to render mtcars table (full 32 rows as a default option) and then I want to apply a reactive filter on the number of gears with multiple selection allowed.
The following code doesnt work in a number of ways:
The mtcars table is not rendered unless filter on gears is set. Instead -I got an error message in the app: "Result must have length 32, not 0"
Choosing multiple gears levels does not add up correctly. When I select each gear number separately, the table is rendered correctly, but, lets say, when I combine to show gear number 3 and 4, I got only 10 rows return, which is incorrect.
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput("pickvalue", label = "Gears", mtcars$gear,
selected = NULL, multiple = T)),
server <- function(input, output, session){
gears <- reactive({
mtcars %>% filter(gear == input$pickvalue) %>% select(-gear)
output$tableOut<- renderTable({gears()
shinyApp(ui = ui, server=server)
The key to your problems are
if statement
when your input is NULL
(i.e. when you first open the app) that will just spit out the dataset%in%
operatorSee code below:
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput("pickvalue", label = "Gears", unique(mtcars$gear),
selected = NULL, multiple = T)),
server <- function(input, output, session){
gears <- reactive({
dat <- mtcars
if (!is.null(input$pickvalue)){dat <- dat %>% filter(gear %in% input$pickvalue)}
dat <- dat %>% select(-gear)
output$tableOut<- renderTable({gears()})
shinyApp(ui = ui, server=server)