Django rest framework provides a TokenAuthentication class for authentication. It validates against header in the format of Authorization: Token 9944b09199c62bcf9418ad846dd0e4bbdfc6ee4b
. The authentication scheme, Token
, seems customarily chosen. The iana auth scheme registry's list of
authentication scheme name does not include Token
as of today (2019-12-20).
Two background RFCs not mentioned in the above iana link:
So my questions are
as the schemeToken
as the schemeTo complicate matter, django-rest-framework-jwt provides a JWT authentication class , which adopt JWT
as the scheme. According to this question, the correct choice is Bearer
The IANA auth scheme is more recent (2014 on the linked document) that when the Token has been implemented (2012 according to this PR). Things have changed since but migrating would be a lot of work and there are better alternatives now.