Problem: Accessing the same column of a Dataframe I would like to compare if series is the same.
DATA link for copy and paste: API_link_to_data=''
energyDF = pd.read_csv(API_link_to_data)
row3_LOC = energyDF.loc[[3],:]
row3_ILOC = energyDF.iloc[[3],:]
This code compares element wise
row3_LOC == row3_ILOC
getting a list with booleans
What I would like to get is TRUE, since row3_LOC and row3_ILOC are the same
If you check,both row3_LOC
and row3_ILOC
are in turn dataframes.
results in:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
You can check if they are equal using row3_ILOC.equals(row3_LOC)
. Refer to the equals function.