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Start Android APK with args from adb

I'm looking for way to start my APK with args.

First, How can I get args in OnCreate method?

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    //get args1, get  args2...

Then with adb, How can I run my application with those args? I just see example like that:

adb shell am start -S -D com.example.apk/ --es args '"-name MYNAME -email"'


  • First, How can I get args in OnCreate method?

    That is not possible, in the terms that you describe.

    Then with adb, How can I run my application with those args?

    That is not possible, in the terms that you describe.

    What you can do — and what the adb example shows you — is supply Intent extras:

    adb shell am start -S -D com.example.apk/ --es args '"-name MYNAME -email"'

    This is not a particularly good way to use Intent extras, but let's start with it.

    Here, you are passing a string extra named args with a value of "-name MYNAME -email".

    In onCreate() of your activity, you could call getIntent().getStringExtra("args") to retrieve that string:

    String args = getIntent().getStringExtra("args");

    Now, the args variable will hold -name MYNAME -email

    A simpler and cleaner adb shell am start command would be:

    adb shell am start -S -D com.example.apk/ --es name MYNAME --es email

    Now you are passing two string extras, name and email. You can then retrieve each value individually:

    String name = getIntent().getStringExtra("name");
    String email = getIntent().getStringExtra("email");