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Edit the coordinates of Geotiff file

I dont have much knowledge with GIS. I need help with editing the coordinates of a GeoTiff file.

For eg, these are the corner coordinates of a file:

Upper Left ( 62.0000000, 47.0000000) ( 62d 0' 0.00"E, 47d 0' 0.00"N)

Lower Left ( 62.0000000, 39.7103806) ( 62d 0' 0.00"E, 39d42'37.37"N)

How do I change these to these? so as to reposition the file.

Upper Left ( 69.2896194, 47.0000000) ( 69d17'22.63"E, 47d 0' 0.00"N)

Lower Left ( 69.2896194, 39.7103806) ( 69d17'22.63"E, 39d42'37.37"N)

Any help will would be much appreciated. Thanks!


  • I've not tried this but it might be possible using gdalwarp and the -te bbox option. You'll need to look up the right hand edge (XMAX)

    gdalwarp -te 69.2896194 XMAX 39.7103806 47.0000000 src.tif dest.tif