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How to retrieve the exif orientation value in flutter

I am developing an app using Flutter and I want to retrieve the exif orientation value of an image that I selected using the image_picker plugin.

When I run the code below and select an image that I have rotated beforehand, I get null for the orientation value and an empty Map for the exif data.

File file = await ImagePicker.pickImage(
img.Image decodedImage = img.decodeImage(file.readAsBytesSync());
print("decodedImage.exif.orientation ${decodedImage.exif.orientation}"); // null
print(" ${}"); // {}

I send the image that I used with this code to my mac book through google drive to see the orientation value and this is what I got:

enter image description here

I am using the newest available version of the image_picker plugin. How can I retrieve the exif orientation value of an image in Flutter?


  • I used this function:

      needRotation(String path) async {
        Map<String, IfdTag> data =
            await readExifFromBytes(await new File(path).readAsBytes());
        return data['EXIF ExifImageWidth'].values[0] >
            data['EXIF ExifImageLength'].values[0];

    using import 'package:exif/exif.dart';

    Explain: given the path of an image it will return if need rotation (i.e. is in landscape mode)

    I also hadthe null orientation problem that u mentioned and uses the width/height to figure it out my self...

    It seems weired I know... hope someone comes with a better solution.