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Error when saving in Textmate - No parent folder for “filename” when saving existing file in existing folder

I open a folder in Textmate, and select a file for editing. When I go to save the edited file, it indicates there is no parent folder, and asks if I want to create it. If I copy the edits, close without saving, re-open the file, paste the edits, and save, it saves correctly.

It seems like this is time dependent. The folder is on the local machine.


  • You should try Reverting to Defaults.

    Because link only answers are frowned upon, here's the contents of that document as though said by Yoda:

    By reverting to default settings, many problems may be solved.

    Remove these folders, after quitting TextMate, you must.

    Lose customizations, you will.

    • ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate
    • ~/Library/Caches/com.macromates.TextMate/BundlesIndex.binary
    • ~/Library/Preferences/com.macromates.TextMate.plist
    • ~/.tm_properties

    a picture of yoda, this is