Search code examples

#file_links["C:\Frazes.txt",1,N]: #file_links["C:\Links.txt",1,N] recieve as a field data through gravity form

I am using gravity form plugin into my wordpress site. Today I have received a query which contain these #file_links["C:\Frazes.txt",1,N]: #file_links["C:\Links.txt",1,N] lines into the email.

I have apply all the validation into my contact form.


  • I also receive similar queries regularly via my WordPress forms (I use wpforms). After a bit of research, these seem to be an attempt by a spammer to use the GSA software development kit (see their manual here) in order to generate a spam response to your form. However, in such cases the spammer didn't configure their spam macro correctly and therefore you see the spam macro (e.g. #file_links) instead of the actual spam content that would've been generated by that macro. You (and I!) should configure a good captcha in each form in order to block most of this spam. Cheers.