I have built a geolocation service that I wish to use the getUserPosition() method on the home.page
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Geolocation, GeolocationOptions, Geoposition, PositionError } from '@ionic-native/geolocation/ngx';
providedIn: 'root'
export class LocationService {
options: GeolocationOptions;
currentPos: Geoposition;
loc: any;
constructor( private geolocation: Geolocation ) { }
getUserPosition() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.options = {
maximumAge: 3000,
enableHighAccuracy: true
this.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(this.options).then((pos: Geoposition) => {
this.currentPos = pos;
const location = {
lat: pos.coords.latitude,
lng: pos.coords.longitude,
time: new Date(),
console.log('loc', location);
}, (err: PositionError) => {
console.log("error : " + err.message);
I access the service in my home.page
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { LocationService } from '../../services/geolocation/location.service';
selector: 'app-home',
templateUrl: './home.page.html',
styleUrls: ['./home.page.scss'],
export class WorkalonePage implements OnInit {
getPosition: any;
private LocationService: LocationService
) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.getPosition = this.LocationService.getUserPosition;
<ion-button expand="full" color="primary" (click)="getUserPosition()">Get Location Sevice</ion-button>
but when I click on (click)="getUserPosition()" on my html I get the error getUserPosition() is not a function. I have have been looking online for answers, but all answers involve using the geolocation in the home.ts file. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can directly call your service method in html like this
getUserPosition() {
this.LocationService.getUserPosition().then((pos) => {
this.getPosition = pos;
Define service object in home.ts
constructor(public ls:LocationService){}
At home.html
<ion-button expand="full" color="primary" (click)="ls.getUserPosition()">
Get Location Sevice