This is the FutureBuilder:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FutureBuilder(
future: postsRef
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (!snapshot.hasData) {
return circularProgress();
Post post = Post.fromDocument(;
return Center(
child: Scaffold(
appBar: header(context, titleText: post.description),
body: ListView(
children: <Widget>[
child: post,
The show post method that refers to it:
showPost(context) {
builder: (context) => PostScreen(
postId: postId,
userId: userId,
Getting below error
The method '[]' was called on null. Receiver: null Tried calling: The relevant error-causing widget was: FutureBuilder file:///home/testflutter/AndroidStudioProjects/testingflutter/lib/pages/post_screen.dart:15:12
Check the ConnectionState
of the snapshot to see if it's done.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FutureBuilder(
future: postsRef
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting)
return circularProgress();
else if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done) {
if (snapshot.hasData && {
Post post = Post.fromDocument(;
return Center(
child: Scaffold(
appBar: header(context, titleText: post.description),
body: ListView(
children: <Widget>[
child: post,
} else {
return Center(child: Text("No data or it's empty"));
} else {
return Center(child: Text("Neither waiting or done..."));
I have fixed up the code to make it easy and added else clauses.