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Subversion: Can I tell the conflict resolver, to look for structural changes not on the incomig, but on the local files?

Note: The underlying situation of this question is also part of a slightly different question here.


I have a trunk, where earlier, a branch has been made from. Then, in the trunk some file renamings have been made. These renamings were accidentially made by "copy/delete", not with the proper svn rename process as they should have. This is described in the TSVN docs, and in my case the "Repair move" was omitted.

Now I have tree conflicts, when merging the branch back to the trunk:

  • the merging tool does not recognise these renamings, and reports them as tree conflict
  • While the "New interactive conflict resolver" should find such faulty renames, it seems to do so only on incoming changes, not for those in the target (trunk in my case).


  • Can I tell the conflict resolver to look for structural changes in the target (local files), not the incoming tree?


  • Can I tell the conflict resolver to look for structural changes in the target (local files), not the incoming tree?

    Yes, you can. More precisely - new resolver do it "automagically": see the last string of table in referenced by you chapter for "Local change - delete, incoming - edit"

    Your common (here and in linked question) problem - missing rename-information, which you have to resolve (some handwork needed): you have to export dump of bad-delete changeset, fix it, import back. I done these tricks long time ago, thus - now I have only ideas of "How To"