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JavaScript - Computed properties - deep confusion

Seems I am quite confused by computed properties in JavaScript.

When I define an object and I put [d] as a key (as a property key/name) what does this [d] actually do? Seems that for some values d it calculates s = d.toString() and uses that value s as the property key. But for other values d (e.g. when d is a symbol) it uses really the symbol's value as the key.

So this dual behavior of [d] (as a syntax construct) seems confusing. Could someone explain in depth how this works?

Are there other special cases btw? Or is it just when d is a Symbol when we have that special behavior?

Back to the basics: what things can be keys/names of properties of an object? Is it just strings or just strings and symbols or is there also something additional... ?


var symbol = Symbol("test");

function Animal(name){ = name;

Animal.prototype = {};
Animal.prototype.constructor = Animal;

function Dog(breed){
    this.breed = breed; = "Dog";
    this.s = symbol;

Dog.prototype = new Animal();
Dog.prototype.constructor = Dog;

var d = new Dog("Sharo");
for (let x in d){
    console.log(x, ":", d[x]);

d = new Object();
for (let x in d){
    console.log(x, ":", d[x]);

d = new Number(5);
for (let x in d){
    console.log(x, ":", d[x]);

var d1 = {};
var d2 = {};

var d = new Dog("Sharo");

var m = {[d1] : 5, [d2] : 10, [d] : 20, z : 100, symbol: 2000, [symbol] : 5000};


for (let x in m){
    console.log(x, ":", m[x]);


  • Since no one seems interested in answering this question I will answer it myself based on the comments which I got above, and due to which I am not confused anymore.

    Note that this answer here is ES6 based. I mean... who knows what else the JavaScript future will hold :)

    When I define an object and I put [d] as a key (as a property key/name) what does this [d] actually do? Seems that for some objects d it calculates s = d.toString() and uses that value s as the property key. But for other objects d (e.g. when d is a Symbol) it uses really the Symbol's value as the key.

    Yes, that's correct. When d is a Symbol its value is used directly. When d is anything but Symbol its value is coerced to a string and that string is used as the property name/key. The coercion is more like String(d) rather than d.toString().

    So this dual behavior of [d] (as a syntax construct) seems confusing. Could someone explain in depth how this works?

    Already explained above.

    Are there other special cases btw? Or is it just when d is a Symbol when we have that special behavior?

    There are no other "special cases". As of ES6 only strings and symbols can be property keys.

    Back to the basics: what things can be keys/names of properties of an object? Is it just strings or just strings and symbols or is there also something additional... ?

    As already said, as of ES6 only strings and symbols can be property keys.



    "Property names are string or Symbol. Any other value, including a number, is coerced to a string."
