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R: convert elements of list into expression from function input

I am writing a function, where the inputs are arguments and name of another function. I would like to convert these arguments and function name into an unevaluated expression or call. For example, if this is the call to the function:

  data = mtcars
  method = lm,
  formula = hp ~ mpg,
  method.args = list(weights = drat, subset = rep(TRUE, 32)) # list of additional arguments

I would like the function to return the following expression/call, unevaluated:

lm(hp ~ mpg, data = mtcars, weights = drat, subset = rep(TRUE, 32))

I've had success quoting the data=, method=, and formula= arguments and combining them into a call. But cannot figure out how to quote the method.args= argument, and add the list elements into function arguments. Any and all pointers are appreciated. Thank you~


  • Having fixed argument names in "huh_fun", we could construct an unevaluated call using "language" objects:

    huh_fun = function(data, method, formula, method.args)
        ans = c(list(substitute(method), 
                     data = substitute(data)), 
        data = mtcars,
        method = lm,
        formula = hp ~ mpg,
        method.args = list(weights = drat, subset = rep(TRUE, 32)))
    #lm(hp ~ mpg, data = mtcars, weights = drat, subset = rep(TRUE, 
    #    32))