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How do I output xml with ASP.NET razor?

Hi I'm trying to return a view that is xml, meaning the content type will be "text/xml", and the view is using ASP.NET MVC razor. Another post ASP.NET MVC and text/xml content type showed how to do it with aspx view. How do I get the same done with razor?


  • I found an example of an rss feed produced with a razor view here:

    writing xml in razor syntax

    Basically you have to set the Response.ContentType to "text/xml", and then you can just write your xml as if it was html.

    You have to scroll down to see the actual code so I'll copy it here:

        var db = Database.OpenFile("Database.sdf");
        var getRss = db.Query("SELECT TOP(5) * FROM Table" );
        Response.ContentType = "text/xml";
    <rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:sy="" xmlns:admin="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:content="">
            <title>Website name</title>
            <link>website link</link>
            <description>News for website</description>
            <dc:rights>Copyright 2010</dc:rights>
            <admin:generatorAgent rdf:resource="" />
            @foreach (var row in getRss) {
                    <description> some html desc for the item </description>  

    by Mikesdotnetting