I purchased a number of messages , and followed all the steps
1. access token
2. client id and secret id
but the sms never reach the mobile number
iam using this code based on the api documentation
require 'Path to Osms ';
use \Osms\Osms;
$config = array(
'token' => 'my token'
$osms = new Osms($config);
$senderAddress = "tel:+200000";
$receiverAddress = "tel:+20 my number";
$message = "Hello World!";
$senderName = "Optimus Prime";
$osms->sendSms($senderAddress, $receiverAddress, $message,
what happens is that the number of messages at the website keeps decreasing , but the sms never arrives the mobile
Use this library instead of what you've used !
More explications are here