I am using phpmailer to send a newsletter to some subscribers. Each subscriber is part of a "Category". Before sending, i first choose the category which the subscribers belong. Each user has a unique id called $recipients_id
What happens: In the code below, each user gets all the "unscribe links"; so also of the other members. And he/she should only receive the unsubscribe with his/her own id:
// part of the script
$mail->IsHTML(true); //Sets message type to HTML
$mail->Subject = "Newsletter"; //Sets the Subject of the message
$mail->Body = $_POST["message"];
foreach($category_matches as $file) { // grab subscribers of the category
// get data out of txt file
$lines = file($file, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES); // set lines from matched file into an array
$recipients_id = $lines[0]; // id of recipients
$recipients_name = $lines[2]; // name of recipients
$recipients_email = $lines[3]; // email of the recipients
$mail->AddBCC($recipients_email, $recipients_name); //bcc to all subscribers of the category
$mail->Body .= '<a href="http://example.com/newsletter/unsubscribe.php?id='.$recipients_id.'">Unsubscribe</a>'; //unsubscribe anchor
echo $recipients_id.'<br />'; // this echos me the id's of the subscribers in the category to check only
if($mail->Send()) //Send an Email. Return true on success or false on error
$result = '<div class="alert alert-success">Newsletter sent to subscribers of:<b> '.$recipients_category.'</b></div>';
$result = 'div class="alert alert-danger">There is an Error</div>';
According to the comments above, your code should be something like this:
// part of the script
$mail->IsHTML(true); //Sets message type to HTML
$mail->Subject = "Newsletter"; //Sets the Subject of the message
foreach($category_matches as $file) { // grab subscribers of the category
// get data out of txt file
$lines = file($file, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES); // set lines from matched file into an array
$recipients_id = $lines[0]; // name of recipients
$recipients_name = $lines[2]; // name of recipients
$recipients_email = $lines[3]; // email of the recipients
$mail->AddAddress($recipients_email, $recipients_name); //Adds a "To" address
try {
$mail->Body = $_POST["message"].'<br /><br />'.'<a href="http://example.com/newsletter/unsubscribe.php?id='.$recipients_id.'">Unsubscribe</a>'; //unsubscribe anchor
$result = '<div class="alert alert-success">Newsletter sent to subscribers of:<b> '.$recipients_category.'</b></div>';
} catch (Exception $e) {
$result = '<div class="alert alert-success">Mailer Error (' . htmlspecialchars($recipients_email) . ') ' . $mail->ErrorInfo . '</div>';
$mail->smtp->reset(); // reset SMTP connection
$mail->clearAddresses(); // Clear all addresses for the next iteration
NOTE: there is only 1 $mail->Body
, which includes the message and the unique_id link for unsubscribing.
Bind the echo's to a var $result
and echo $result
outside the loop; otherwise you will get them several times, for each recipient you send