i am trying to print the sum of two 16Bit values so am calculating the sum then constructing the string that contains it but the problem is after i print said string any writing interruptions mov ah,09 int 21h
are completely ignored, i am using emu8086, here is the code
org 100h
mov ax,2000
mov bx,3200
add ax,bx
mov si,offset result+5
mov [si],'$'
mov bx,10
dec si
mov dx,0
div bx
add dl,48
mov [si],dl
test ax,ax
jnz Fill
mov dx,offset result
mov ah,09h
int 21h
mov ah,09h
mov dx,offset msg
int 21h
result db 5 dup (?)
msg db " is the sum$"
\n db 0ah,0dh, '$'
it just prints result
and ignors msg
result db 5 dup (?) msg db " is the sum$"
With these data definitions, memory is set up as follows:
result 0 <- offset result+0
0 <- offset result+1
0 <- offset result+2
0 <- offset result+3
0 <- offset result+4
msg <- offset result+5 <- offset msg+0
i <- offset msg+1
s <- offset msg+2
<- offset msg+3
t <- offset msg+4
h <- offset msg+5
e <- offset msg+6
<- offset msg+7
s <- offset msg+8
u <- offset msg+9
m <- offset msg+10
$ <- offset msg+11
When you write the terminating $ for your result at offset result+5
, you overwrite that space character by which the msg text starts. This in turn means that when you ask DOS to display the msg text, DOS immediately stumbles upon the string terminator and so nothing gets displayed.
The solution is NOT to write the $ character at offset result+4
Instead you need to enlarge the buffer for the result so it can hold 6 bytes.
The value in the AX
register that you convert could require 5 digits. Therefore you need a buffer of 5+1 bytes.
result db 6 dup (?)
As a shortcut that avoids having to write the $ character via the code have:
result db 5 dup (?), '$'
mov dx,offset result mov ah,09h int 21h
Using the offset of result could produce garbage on screen!
The good solution here is to use the value in the SI
register at the end of the conversion. It already points at the first digit of the number. How convenient!
org 100h
mov ax, 2000
mov bx, 3200
add ax, bx
mov si, offset result+5
mov [si], '$'
mov bx, 10
dec si
xor dx, dx
div bx
add dl, '0'
mov [si], dl
test ax, ax
jnz Fill
mov dx, si <- This is offset of first digit.
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
mov ah, 09h
mov dx, offset msg
int 21h
result db 6 dup (?)
msg db " is the sum$"