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How do I refresh a web controler inside a gridview ASP.NET

How can I refresh a web controller inside a gridview? I have a web controller inside a gridview as you can see here:

            <td colspan="100%" style="background: #F5F5F5">
                <div id="div<%# Eval("contrato_id") %>" style="overflow: auto; display: none; position: relative; left: 15px; overflow: auto">
                    <div class="ExpandTableHeader">
                    <div class="body">
                        <div id="tabs-ComponentesSection" class="menusection">
                            <TWebControl5:WebControl5 ID="Header8" runat="server" />

I want to refresh the following controller.

<TWebControl5:WebControl5 ID="Header8" runat="server" />

On the following button click.

<asp:Button class="btn btn-primary" ID="btnChooseContract" runat="server" Text="Elegir contrato" OnClick="AddContractToQuote" />

Here is the code behind of the button.

protected void AddContractToQuote(object sender, EventArgs e)


  • Used some code that looks like this YEARS ago...

    for (int x = 0; x < GridViewName.Rows.Count; x++)
        GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow) GridViewName.Rows[x];
        Control contr = (control) row.Cells[1].FindControl("NameOfYourControl");
        contr = //Another similar control that looks like the first, but different