I'm interested in dynamically appending code in .Net-Core. Note: This is for education purposes only.
Currently I have a class which swaps methods:
public static void Inject<TTarget, TInject>(string targetFuncName, string injectFuncName)
MethodInfo methodToReplace = typeof(TTarget).GetMethod(targetFuncName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);
MethodInfo methodToInject = typeof(TInject).GetMethod(injectFuncName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);
if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
int* inj = (int*)methodToInject.MethodHandle.Value.ToPointer() + 2;
int* tar = (int*)methodToReplace.MethodHandle.Value.ToPointer() + 2;
Console.WriteLine("\nVersion x86 Debug\n");
byte* injInst = (byte*)*inj;
byte* tarInst = (byte*)*tar;
int* injSrc = (int*)(injInst + 1);
int* tarSrc = (int*)(tarInst + 1);
*tarSrc = (((int)injInst + 5) + *injSrc) - ((int)tarInst + 5);
Console.WriteLine("\nVersion x86 Release\n");
*tar = *inj;
long* inj = (long*)methodToInject.MethodHandle.Value.ToPointer() + 1;
long* tar = (long*)methodToReplace.MethodHandle.Value.ToPointer() + 1;
Console.WriteLine("\nVersion x64 Debug\n");
byte* injInst = (byte*)*inj;
byte* tarInst = (byte*)*tar;
int* injSrc = (int*)(injInst + 1);
int* tarSrc = (int*)(tarInst + 1);
*tarSrc = (((int)injInst + 5) + *injSrc) - ((int)tarInst + 5);
Console.WriteLine("\nVersion x64 Release\n");
*tar = *inj;
This Code swaps the method fine, However, if you're debugging it seems like to original code is never hit. Instead I would like to swap the return statements from the method bytes and replace it with a jump statement to another function with the same parameters.
However, .Net Core doesn't currently support the MethodRental.SwapMethodBody
How Can dynamically append code to the end of a function?
I figured out a cheat way to do it. I haven't written all the code yet but I'll explain in pseudo code
Say we have a method:
public class ValuesController: ControllerBase
public int Seven(string id)
return 7;
We want to swap it with another method
public int Eight(int retValue)
return retValue + 1;
We can generate a Func in a dynamic assembly. Which looks like so:
public int Dummy(string id)
public int DummyFuncContainer(string id)
var result = Dummy(id);
return Eight(result);
Then all you need to do is.
Swap the Dummy()
method with the func we want Seven()
and then we swap Seven()
(Which is now pointing at Dummy()
) with DummyFuncContainer()
EDIT: Sorry for clarification you just need to grab the methods like so to pass this. I don't have the full example in front of me at the moment.
var methodToReplace = typeof(ValuesController).GetMethod("Seven", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);