I m creating a small app that reads data from Firebase and store it in table named "actualiteNews" it tells me that it is not defined while it is declared
import { Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {AngularFireDatabase} from 'angularfire2/database';
providedIn: 'root'
export class ActualiteService {
actualiteNews : any[];
constructor(dataBaseFire : AngularFireDatabase) {
dataBaseFire.list('/news').valueChanges().subscribe(actualiteNews => {
this.actualiteNews = actualiteNews;
return this.actualiteNews.find(value =>value.titre === Temptitre);
return this.actualiteNews;
actualiteNews : any[] = [];
Yes it is declared but you have to set the default value as empty array. You might be doing actualiteNews.length
in template but you haven't defined actualiteNews
. That is the reason it is breaking.