I'm trying to animate some bitmaps out in relation to a center point. They don't all start at that center point, but I want them to fly out as though a force from that center point slammed into them and pushed them outwards radially, such that they fly completely off the stage.
So: I know the center point, and the x and y position of each bitmap arranged around it. For each one I can draw a line from the center to that x,y point. I should then be able to get the angle formed by that line to the horizontal, and then set a destination point farther out on that line. The bitmap will be tweened out to that point. I believe that that is what Math.atan2 is for.
Here's what I've got as I iterate through the array of bitmaps (i is an object):
var angle:Number = Math.atan2(i.bitmap.y - centerY, i.bitmap.x - centerX) * 180 / Math.PI;
var dist:Number = 200; //arbitrary number, just to test
destX = centerX + dist * Math.cos(angle); //destination x
destY = centerY + dist * Math.sin(angle); //destination y
Instead of these things gliding out radially, they're jumping around.
I'm having trouble understanding atan2 and exactly what I'm doing wrong.
Try removing the *180/PI to keep the angle in radians.
var angle:Number = Math.atan2(i.bitmap.y-centerY, i.bitmap.x - centerX);
Then change destX and destY to
destX = i.bitmap.x + dist * Math.cos(angle);
destY = i.bitmap.y + dist * Math.sin(angle);