I am trying to scrape entire table and want to store it in .csv file. While I am trying to scrape this data it is showing me error as NO TABLES FOUND.
Here is my code.
from pandas.io.html import read_html
page = 'https://games.crossfit.com/leaderboard/open/2020?view=0&division=1&scaled=0&sort=0'
tables = read_html(page, attrs={"class":"desktop athletes"})
print ("Extracted {num} tables".format(num=len(tables)))
Any suggestion or guidance or any help ?
As stated below, you can access the api to get the data. To save as CSV, you'll need to work through the json format to get what you need (ie. flatten out the nested data). There's 2 ways to do it, a) completely flatten it out so that each row is for each entrant, or b) have separate rows for each entrant for each of their ordinal scores.
The only differences will be if you choose a) you'll have a really wide table (but no repeated data), and if you go with b) you'll have a long table, with repeat of data.
Since it's not too big of a file, I went with option b) so you can always groupby particular columns or filter:
import requests
import pandas as pd
r = requests.get('https://games.crossfit.com/competitions/api/v1/competitions/open/2020/leaderboards?view=0&division=1&scaled=0&sort=0')
data = r.json()
results = pd.DataFrame()
df = pd.DataFrame(data['leaderboardRows'])
for idx, row in df.iterrows():
entrantData = pd.Series()
scoresData = pd.DataFrame()
entrantResults = pd.DataFrame()
for idx2, each in row.iteritems():
if type(each) == dict:
temp = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(each, orient='index')
entrantData = entrantData.append(temp)
elif type(each) == list:
temp2 = pd.DataFrame(each)
scoresData = scoresData.append(temp2, sort=True).reset_index(drop=True)
entrantData = entrantData.append(pd.Series(each, name=idx2))
entrantResults = entrantResults.append(scoresData, sort=True).reset_index(drop=True)
entrantResults = entrantResults.merge(pd.concat([entrantData.T] *5, ignore_index=True), left_index=True, right_index=True)
results = results.append(entrantResults, sort=True).reset_index(drop=True)
results.to_csv('file.csv', index=False)
Output: first 15 rows of 250
print (results.head(15).to_string())
affiliate affiliateId affiliateName age breakdown competitorId competitorName countryChampion countryOfOriginCode countryOfOriginName divisionId drawBlueHR firstName gender heat height highlight judge lane lastName mobileScoreDisplay nextStage ordinal overallRank overallScore postCompStatus profilePicS3key rank scaled score scoreDisplay scoreIdentifier status time video weight
0 CrossFit Nanaimo 1918 CrossFit Nanaimo 30 10 rounds 158264 Patrick Vellner False CA Canada 1 NaN Patrick M 71 in False Dallyn Giroux Vellner 1 1 64 d471c-P158264_7-184.jpg 13 0 11800382 8:38 9d3979222412df2842a1 ACT 518 0 195 lb
1 CrossFit Soul Miami 1918 CrossFit Nanaimo 30 29 rounds +\n2 thrusters\n 158264 Patrick Vellner False CA Canada 1 NaN Patrick M 71 in False Lamar Vernon Vellner 2 1 64 d471c-P158264_7-184.jpg 19 0 1009880000 988 reps 9bd66b00e8367cc7fd0c ACT NaN 0 195 lb
2 CrossFit Nanaimo 1918 CrossFit Nanaimo 30 165 reps 158264 Patrick Vellner False CA Canada 1 NaN Patrick M 71 in False Jason Lochhead Vellner 3 1 64 d471c-P158264_7-184.jpg 12 0 1001650151 6:29 2347b4cb7339f2a13e6c ACT 389 0 195 lb
3 CrossFit Nanaimo 1918 CrossFit Nanaimo 30 240 reps 158264 Patrick Vellner False CA Canada 1 NaN Patrick M 71 in False Dallyn Giroux Vellner 4 1 64 d471c-P158264_7-184.jpg 18 0 1002400211 16:29 bcfd3882df3fa2e99451 ACT 989 0 195 lb
4 CrossFit New England 1918 CrossFit Nanaimo 30 240 reps 158264 Patrick Vellner False CA Canada 1 NaN Patrick M 71 in False Matt O'Keefe Vellner 5 1 64 d471c-P158264_7-184.jpg 2 0 1002400591 10:09 4bb25bed5f71141da122 ACT 609 0 195 lb
5 CrossFit Mayhem 3220 CrossFit Mayhem 30 10 rounds 153604 Mathew Fraser True US United States 1 NaN Mathew M 67 in False darren hunsucker Fraser 1 2 74 9e218-P153604_4-184.jpg 8 0 11800392 8:28 18b5b2e137f00a2d9d7d ACT 508 0 195 lb
6 CrossFit Soul Miami 3220 CrossFit Mayhem 30 28 rounds +\n4 thrusters\n3 toes-to-bars\n 153604 Mathew Fraser True US United States 1 NaN Mathew M 67 in False Daniel Lopez Fraser 2 2 74 9e218-P153604_4-184.jpg 40 0 1009590000 959 reps b96bc1b7b58fa34a28a1 ACT NaN 0 195 lb
7 CrossFit Mayhem 3220 CrossFit Mayhem 30 165 reps 153604 Mathew Fraser True US United States 1 NaN Mathew M 67 in False Jason Fernandez Fraser 3 2 74 9e218-P153604_4-184.jpg 3 0 1001650172 6:08 4f4a994a045652c894c5 ACT 368 0 195 lb
8 CrossFit Mayhem 3220 CrossFit Mayhem 30 240 reps 153604 Mathew Fraser True US United States 1 NaN Mathew M 67 in False Tasia Percevecz Fraser 4 2 74 9e218-P153604_4-184.jpg 2 0 1002400338 14:22 1a4a7d8760e72bb12d68 ACT 862 0 195 lb
9 CrossFit Mayhem 3220 CrossFit Mayhem 30 240 reps 153604 Mathew Fraser True US United States 1 NaN Mathew M 67 in False Kelley Jackson Fraser 5 2 74 9e218-P153604_4-184.jpg 21 0 1002400555 10:45 b4a259e7049f47f65356 ACT 645 0 195 lb
10 NaN 0 30 10 rounds 514502 Lefteris Theofanidis True GR Greece 1 NaN Lefteris M 171 cm False NaN Theofanidis 1 3 94 931eb-P514502_2-184.jpg 1 0 11800415 8:05 c8907e02512f42ff3142 ACT 485 1 81 kg
11 NaN 0 30 30 rounds +\n1 thruster\n 514502 Lefteris Theofanidis True GR Greece 1 NaN Lefteris M 171 cm False NaN Theofanidis 2 3 94 931eb-P514502_2-184.jpg 3 0 1010210000 1021 reps 63add31b22606957701c ACT NaN 1 81 kg
12 NaN 0 30 165 reps 514502 Lefteris Theofanidis True GR Greece 1 NaN Lefteris M 171 cm False NaN Theofanidis 3 3 94 931eb-P514502_2-184.jpg 13 0 1001650148 6:32 46d7cdb691c25ea38dbe ACT 392 1 81 kg
13 NaN 0 30 240 reps 514502 Lefteris Theofanidis True GR Greece 1 NaN Lefteris M 171 cm False NaN Theofanidis 4 3 94 931eb-P514502_2-184.jpg 4 0 1002400300 15:00 d49e55a2af5840740071 ACT 900 1 81 kg
14 NaN 0 30 240 reps 514502 Lefteris Theofanidis True GR Greece 1 NaN Lefteris M 171 cm False NaN Theofanidis 5 3 94 931eb-P514502_2-184.jpg 73 0 1002400529 11:11 d35c9d687eb6b72c8e36 ACT 671 1 81 kg