The company I work for uses Pimcore 6 to make websites.
In the adminpanel while editing a page you can add areablocks
to your content.
When you click on the plus sign, you can add a new areablock
, I have noticed that the areablocks
have a random icon next to their name.
I thought that this was because the person who created them was too lazy to create or add the right ones.
After looking at the official DEMO on the Pimcore website. I noticed that their areablocks
also have random icons.
I was wondering if it is possible to customise these?
After doing some research it seems that this is possible by adding a icon.png
into your areablock's folder.
That's what I have tried. But the random icon is still displaying. My custom icon is getting ignored. Anyone any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Pasting the icon into the view is not helpful (or was some wrong information). When you are registering a brick and check the methods of AbstractTemplateAreabrick
you will notice that it has some class getIcon()
. And this is the method you have to override in case you want to set custom icons.
The AreabrickInterface
defines the method like this:
* Icon as absolute path, e.g. /bundles/websitedemo/img/areas/foo/icon.png
* @return string|null
public function getIcon();
An absolute image URL is needed. In my case I just do it with base64 .svgs - here is a working example:
class Accordion extends AbstractAreabrick
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getName()
return $this->translator->trans('Accordion');
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getDescription()
return $this->translator->trans('for collapsed contents');
public function getIcon() {
return "";