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I am not able to run gcloud commands on lubuntu

I Installed gcloud SDK on lubuntu-32bit system, but while running gcloud commands its giving error.


ERROR: gcloud crashed (OperationalError): database is locked

If you would like to report this issue, please run the following command:
  gcloud feedback

To check gcloud for common problems, please run the following command:
  gcloud info --run-diagnostics

re-installed again but not able to figure out it.


  • The error suggests that something is keeping gcloud's database open. This can be caused by numerous reasons, some possibilities and recommendations are:

    • Make sure you’re not running multiple ‘gcloud’ commands in parallel, as this is currently not supported and there’s a Feature Request already open for that here.

    • Avoid installing the Cloud SDK or storing the credentials on an NFS. If you have, install the Cloud SDK in a local directory or respectively, store the credentials in a local disk by setting the environment variable CLOUDSDK_CONFIG to a local disk location, i.e if you’re using bash:

      export CLOUDSDK_CONFIG=/some/local/path/.gcloudconfig

    • Lastly, double check that you're using the latest version of the Cloud SDK by running gcloud components update (although I assume you are). Alternatively, you can run gcloud components reinstall to attempt in fixing a corrupted Cloud SDK installation, which is known to have helped others in the past.