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Parse a Json File - JsonConvert

I have JSON file like:

      "id": "131",
      "name": "Cate"
      "id": "132",
      "name": "Mike"
  "Result OK"

And Code:

        private static void Main(string[] args)
                using (var r = new StreamReader(@"C:\Path\data1.json"))
                    var json = r.ReadToEnd();
                        var items = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JsonBody>(json);
                    catch (JsonSerializationException ex)
        public class JsonBody
            public int someint;
            public List<Dictionary<string, Item>> item;
            public string somestring;

        public class Item
            [JsonProperty("id")] public string id;
            [JsonProperty("name")] public string name;

Error:Cannot deserialize the current JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) into type 'Json_parser.Parse2+JsonBody' because the type requires a JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) to deserialize correctly.

What should be rewritten in the code to avoid this error. How do I parse this JSON correctly? I need to get all items from the Item class.


  • Since the root of your JSON document is a list, you need to deserialize it into a collection type in C# using Json.Net. Unfortunately, this kind of data structure with mixed element types is a bit hard to consume.

    If you know 100% that the root of the document will always be an array, you can deserialize it like this:

    JArray root = JArray.Parse(json);

    Then, if you know 100% that the 2nd element of this array will be the nested array of items you're interested in you can use this:

    Item[] items = root[1].ToObject<Item[]>();

    So your method could be simplified to:

    string json = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Path\data1.json");
    JArray root = JArray.Parse(json);
    Item[] items = root[1].ToObject<Item[]>();

    However, if you need to hunt for the nested array, in that it will not always be the 2nd element, you can use this:

    string json = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Path\data1.json");
    JArray root = JArray.Parse(json);
    foreach (var element in root)
        if (element is JArray)
            Item[] items = element.ToObject<Item[]>();
            // ...