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PentahoExecute SQL statement

I work with Pentaho as an ETL to migrate from the MSSQL database to the PostgreSQL database.

ERROR (version, build from 2019-06-11 11.09.08 by buildguy) : An error occurred executing this job entry :

  • Create table ["tablename"] - Couldn't execute SQL: CREATE TABLE "tablename"
   CREATE TABLE sysdiagrams
    ,`name` VARCHAR(128)
    , principal_id int
    , diagram_id int
    , version int

Thank you in advance


  • When trying to run your CREATE TABLE statement with an "SQL" job entry, the log shows the following :

    2019/12/20 09:54:36 - SQL - ERROR (version, build from 2019-09-20 07.35.24 by buildguy) : An error occurred executing this job entry : 
    2019/12/20 09:54:36 - SQL - Couldn't execute SQL: CREATE TABLE sysdiagrams
            ,`name` VARCHAR(128)
            , principal_id int
            , diagram_id int
            , version int
    2019/12/20 09:54:36 - SQL - 
    2019/12/20 09:54:36 - SQL - ERREUR: erreur de syntaxe sur ou près de « , »
      Position : 44

    Removing the first comma in the column list, and removing the backticks ('`') around the name identifier solved the issue :

    CREATE TABLE sysdiagrams
            name VARCHAR(128)
            , principal_id int
            , diagram_id int
            , version int