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What is the difference if I combine not dead in browserlist?

This is my .browserlistsrc

last 2 versions
iOS 8

What is the difference if I combine not dead with these lists?

last 2 versions
not dead
iOS 8


  • At the time of this writing the following configuration:

    last 2 versions
    iOS 8

    Supports the following browsers:

    and_chr 78
    and_ff 68
    and_qq 1.2
    and_uc 12.12
    android 76
    baidu 7.12
    bb 10
    bb 7
    chrome 78
    chrome 77
    edge 18
    edge 17
    firefox 70
    firefox 69
    ie 11
    ie 10
    ie_mob 11
    ie_mob 10
    ios_saf 13.2
    ios_saf 13.0-13.1
    ios_saf 8
    kaios 2.5
    op_mini all
    op_mob 46
    op_mob 12.1
    opera 64
    opera 63
    safari 13
    safari 12.1
    samsung 10.1
    samsung 9.2

    The following configuratio:

    last 2 versions
    not dead
    iOS 8

    Supports browsers:

    and_chr 78
    and_ff 68
    and_qq 1.2
    and_uc 12.12
    android 76
    baidu 7.12
    chrome 78
    chrome 77
    edge 18
    edge 17
    firefox 70
    firefox 69
    ie 11
    ie_mob 11
    ios_saf 13.2
    ios_saf 13.0-13.1
    ios_saf 8
    kaios 2.5
    op_mini all
    op_mob 46
    opera 64
    opera 63
    safari 13
    safari 12.1
    samsung 10.1
    samsung 9.2

    The difference being the following browsers which are effectively the "dead" browsers:

    bb 10
    bb 7
    ie 10
    ie_mob 10
    op_mob 12.1

    You can check this by executing npx browserslist to debug the list that a given configuration will support.