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mosquitto_pub config file format

Some MQTT-brokers accept auth-tokens as username (e.g. In man mosquitto_pub I found that clients support configuration files:


$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mosquitto_sub, $HOME/.config/mosquitto_pub Configuration file for default options.

But there are no clarification about file format. I tried this:

# and
username foobar..token
# and
# and
[email protected]:port
# and some other
# that I found in

but in all cases I have just

Error: Unknown option '--username.. and so on'.

and I'm not very good at C-lang.. Can someone please tell me how to cook it right?


  • A-ha, seems I found it (in the last possible combination I didn't test):

    # ~/.config/mosquitto_pub
    --username <username-or-token>
    -h <>
    # and so on

    So, proper format is with leadig dashes and without equal sign

    Now it allows to exec mosquitto_pub with short parameter list:

    mosquitto_pub -t mydata/update -m 4