I'm working with a basic ReactNative app using Emacs with Cider and ShadowCLJS. I can develop with the REPL pretty consistently but as soon as I accidentally save a file that has a syntax error in it then I lose communication to the REPL. Anything I type results in a delay followed by "REPL command timed out". The only way I have found to fix it is to restart the emulator with npx react-native run-android
. But then I lose all the state that I had in the REPL.
This could be a number of different things.
It might related to the live-reloading that Metro (or Expo) provides. Press Ctrl-M (Cmd-M on Mac) in the emulator to bring up the options to turn off Fast Refresh.
If you're still getting this error even after disabling Fast Refresh, it might be because ReactNative doesn't cleanly disconnect old websockets when reloading. Here's a comment from the creator of shadow-cljs.
its a bug in react-native in that it doesn't disconnect websockets when reloading the app so shadow-cljs thinks the "old" app is still running and tries talking to it (but it never replies) I opened an issue on the RN repo but it was closed due do inactivity for a year or so. nobody cared I guess.
I found a work-around using ReactNative's AppState and the reference to the websocket from the shadow-cljs dev namespace.
(defn on-app-state-change
"Fixes issue with shadow-cljs repl losing connection to websocket.
Put this in some root component's `component-did-mount`.
(= state "background")
(.close @shadow-rn/socket-ref)
(and (= state "active")
(nil? @shadow-rn/socket-ref))
(defn make-reloader
(let [component-ref (r/atom component)]
(letfn [(render []
(let [component @component-ref]
(if (fn? component)
(let [wrapper (r/create-class
{:render render
(fn []
(.addEventListener rn/AppState "change" on-app-state-change))
(fn []
(.removeEventListener rn/AppState "change" on-app-state-change))})]
(rn/AppRegistry.registerComponent "Ezmonic" (fn [] wrapper))
(fn [comp]
(reset! component-ref comp))))))