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How to apply a patch to drupal core using a drush make

I'm in the process of a disassembling of a live drupal based site. While writing a drush make file I discovered there was some patching of contrib modules and core. I can instruct drush make to patch contrib modules using a 'patch' option. But I can't make it patch core.

I tried both

projects[drupal][patch][] = ...
projects[core][patch][] = ... 

without success, nothing changes.

Can someone give a hint?


  • Seems as though you are on the right track. Here's what I use, which runs and patches correctly:

    core = "6.x"
    api = "2"
    projects[drupal][type] = "core"
    projects[drupal][version] = "6.28"
    projects[drupal][patch][] = ""