How to calculate the last day of next month or next 4 months in Python?
I tried datetime, however, it does not support opperation of +.
To reopen my question. +,4,20).month
this is helpful because if I want to get the last day of next 4 months from 2019-12-30. Then the year will change too.
I want to reopen this because one of the answers is surprising. I did not know np can output dates. Cool answer.
Does this answer your question?
import numpy as np
# display last day of Dezember, 2019
print(np.arange('2019-12', '2020-01', dtype='datetime64[D]')[-1])
# add a month to Dezemeber, 2019
np.datetime64('2019-12') + np.timedelta64(1, 'M')