In a power query custom connector I can make the user input some text that gets appended to the url to an API request.
// Example in the navigator:
(optional time_range as text) as table => GetSomething(time_range)
// And the actual function
GetSomething = (optional time_range as text) =>
_time_range = if time_range <> null then time_range else "medium_term",
options = [Headers = [#"Content-Type" = "application/Json"], Query = [limit = "50", time_range=_time_range]],
source = Web.Contents("", options),
json = Json.Document(source),
listOfItems = json[items]
My goal would be to make the user select from a dropdown list with those three values (short, medium, long), instead of making him write and possibly compromise the request.
Do you know how to achieve this?
So, I found the answer in this blogpost:
// just add a type for the parameters and enter AllowedValues
GetSomethingParamType = type text
meta [Documentation.Description = "Please enter a time range",
Documentation.AllowedValues = {"short_term","medium_term","long_term"}],
// the type for the function
GetSomethingType = type function(
_time_range as GetSomethingParamType)
as list,
// the type replacement
GetSomethingV2 = Value.ReplaceType(GetSomething,