I have a component ResultPill
with a tooltip (implemented via vuikit) for the main container. The tooltip text is calculated by a getter function tooltip
(I use vue-property-decorator) so the relevant bits are:
<div class="pill"
v-vk-tooltip="{ title: tooltip, duration: 0, cls: 'some-custom-class uk-active' }"
..some content goes here..
<script lang="ts">
@Component({ props: ... })
export default class ResultPill extends Vue {
get tooltip (): string { ..calcing tooltip here.. }
isContainerSqueezed (): boolean {
const container = this.$refs.container as HTMLElement | undefined;
if(!container) return false;
return container.scrollWidth != container.clientWidth;
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
white-space pre
overflow hidden
text-overflow ellipsis
Now I'm trying to add some content to the tooltip when the component is squeezed by the container's width and hence the overflow styles are applied. Using console, I can roughly check this using $0.scrollWidth == $0.clientWidth
(where $0
is the selected element), but when I start tooltip
implementation with
get tooltip (): string {
return 'aha!'
I find that for many instances of my component this.$refs.container
is undefined
so isContainerSqueezed
doesn't help really. Do I have to somehow set unique ref
per component instance? Are there other problems with this approach? How can I check whether the element is overflown?
PS to check if the non-uniqueness of refs may affect the case, I've tried to add to the class a random id property:
containerId = 'ref' + Math.random();
and use it like this:
const container = this.$refs[this.containerId] as HTMLElement | undefined;
but it didn't help: still tooltip isn't altered.
And even better, there's the $el
property which I can use instead of refs, but that still doesn't help. Looks like the cause is this:
An important note about the ref registration timing: because the refs themselves are created as a result of the render function, you cannot access them on the initial render - they don’t exist yet!
is also non-reactive, therefore you should not attempt to use it in templates for data-binding.
(presumably the same is applicable to $el
) So I have to somehow recalc tooltip
on mount. This question looks like what I need, but the answer is not applicable for my case.
So, like I've mentioned in one of the edits, docs warn that $refs
shouldn't be used for initial rendering since they are not defined at that time. So, I've made tooltip
a property instead of a getter and calcuate it in mounted
export default class ResultPill extends Vue {
tooltip = '';
calcTooltip () {
// specific logic here is not important, the important bit is this.isContainerSqueezed()
// works correctly at this point
this.tooltip = !this.isContainerSqueezed() ? this.mainTooltip :
this.label + (this.mainTooltip ? '\n\n' + this.mainTooltip : '');
get mainTooltip (): string { ..previously used calculation.. }
mounted () {