A document in my mongo 'companies' collection looks like this:
"companyName": "",
"companyIcon": "",
"domains": [
"allowSubDomains": true
In my application the user enters his/her email address. Using the Nodejs native mongo driver (https://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native), I want to query (find) which company the user belongs to.
The problem is when the user enters the email as name@dept.companyDomainA.com
I want to be able to query and find the company document of the user based on his email (subdomained 0 or more levels), ie. if the superstring of a string exists in an array in mongo.
(Caveat, I cannot store all the subdomains of the company as they are dynamic and can change at will)
Is there a regular expression way/db schema change way, to achieve this?
Thanks in advance!!
I would do it like this. First find the root domain from the email address. To do that I would split the email and fetch the domain first.
const email = "name@dept.companyDomainA.com";
const domain = email.split('@')[1]; // dept.companyDomainA.com
Now fetch the host (companyDomainA.com) from it. Follow this link.
So, I have found the root domain which is companyDomainA.com. Now run the find query.
db.collection('documents').find({"domains": "companyDomainA.com"});
I didn't test this code.