I'm a beginner in gurobipy so I'm trying to understand how to state my problem with it, I have a variable in the model that has to be either zero or greater than a parameter.
#If total is not zero then this constraint has to hold
(total[sup] >= mins[sup] for sup in suppliers), "CheckMin"
I tried creating a binary var for each supplier that had to be True if the total for that supplier was greater than 0, as this:
(bool(gp.quicksum(total[sup] for sup in suppliers)) == binary_buy[sup]
for sup in suppliers), "BinaryConst"
This is leading to infeasible solution, apparently this second constraint is forcing every binary_buy[sup]
to be True, while what I want is for it to be True only when total[sup]
is greater than 0. It would be nice if someone could help to state this properly, I also accept suggestions of other solvers in python, thanks!
I could solve it by simply multiplying the binaries in the totals constraint:
(gp.quicksum(prices[sup, item]*buys[sup, item] for item in items)
== total[sup]*binary_buy[sup] for sup in suppliers), "TotalFornecedor"
I hope this helps someone who crosses this problem! Thanks.